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Text File | 1996-03-11 | 9.9 KB | 207 lines | [TEXT/YoED] |
- Single Number version 1.1.6 E/J (1996/03/11)
- by Yoshimitsu Kanai
- <Introduction>
- Single Number is a puzzle game for one player, specifically, one
- who is familiar with puzzle books or with the games found in the
- puzzle pages of weekly magazines.
- In this program, mac shows puzzles which the player solves.
- <Rules>
- Numbers (1-9) are given in several cells in the 9x9 matrix. Decide
- the rest according to the following restrictions: "Each number (1-9)
- should appear only once in the 9 cells of each vertical line, horizontal
- line, and 3x3 matrix surrounded by the thicker boundary."
- <How to play>
- Click one of the "number boxes" on the right half of the window or
- input the number using the keyboard; the cursor will chage to the
- "number". Then click the mouse onto the cell where you want to put
- the number. (If you wish to change the number after you've put it into
- the cell, clear the cell by using the "CLEAR" cursor ('0' in keyboard)
- before you chose a new number.)
- When all the cells are set with the correct numbers, the game is finished.
- Player may also solve the puzzle on paper, if the puzzle was printed by
- the 'print' menu.
- I prepared the "puzzle book" for the top players. In book mode, the
- player must solve 100 very difficult puzzles one after another. The
- player cannot see the answer, nor save or print the puzzles. It would
- be a great pleasure to hear comments for this game from those who
- have solved out the entire book. I'm also very interested in the
- comments of those who have NOT been able to solve the entire book!
- <Options>
- 1. Select English or Japanese mode by clicking the 'Change Language'
- button when the game starts up, or in the 'about SingleNumber'.
- (default is due to the system script mode : "English" in non-
- Japanese system; "Japanese" in Japanese system)
- 2. Sound ON/OFF.
- 3. Alert ON/OFF, when the number against the rule is set.
- 4. Select 4 levels (beginner, intermediate, expert and master).
- 5. Symmetric parameters (symmetric to vertical center line, to
- horizontal center line, to right up diagonal, to left up diagonal,
- +/- 90 degree rotation, and/or to center point). If player check
- these options, the puzzle will be symmetrical. I recommend that the
- player try combinations of these parameters by himself. (I have also
- prepared several combinations.)
- 6. Prepared the puzzle book containing 100 very difficult puzzles.
- Those who have solved this entire book should be called "Master of
- the Single Number". (This mode is for EXPERT players. Therefore,
- the options which help them to solve puzzles are not available.)
- <System Requirement>
- 1. System 7.0 or later. (This game has Balloon Help, is Apple Event savvy,
- and is a power application [fat binary].) Requires courier font.
- If the "full" version does not work on your mac (e.g. SE), use the "light"
- version in stead. The "light" version is B/W, 68k program based on ver
- 1.1.4. It will work more speedy and requires less memory both in HD
- and RAM than the "full" version.
- 2. Memory requirement changes according to the monitor's color depth.
- 384KB is enough in B/W macs and 512 KB in 8bit color. (Although this
- program runs in 24bit color, it requires more memory and works solwer! )
- 3. Developmental Environment
- SE/30 (+DayStar 50MHz)
- PoweringBook Duo 250
- + System 7.1 (J + E)
- + CodeWarrior C
- 4. Confirmed Environment
- SE (Not compatible with full version. Use light version)
- SE/30
- IIci
- Classic II
- PowerBook 450B, 520, 550C, 5300
- PowerBook Duo 250
- LC III, 520, 630
- Performer 275, 575
- Centris 650
- PowerMac 7100/80
- + System 7.1(E/J)/7.5(J)
- (For those who have other Macs described above:
- Reports of working confirmation help me very much)
- <Version history>
- v.1.1.6 (96/03/11)
- -Can preview puzzles both in "file open" and "book go to" dialogs.
- -In addition to the "full" version, I prepared a "light" version for
- those old macs like SE.
- v.1.1.5 (96/02/21)
- -Introduced a floating window, which helps the player to go back or
- forward his input process, which is not available in book mode.
- -Player can move or close the windows.
- -Revert command does not initialize the log data. (This means that
- this command is equal to the repeated "Take One Back" command.)
- -Changed the appearance of window and fixed minor bugs.
- v.1.1.4 (96/01/23)
- -Fixed bug, which flickers the menu bar. (This bug was introduced
- in v.1.1.3)
- -Introduced "Mark mistake" and "One hint" commands. "Mark mistake"
- command marks the wrong "number(s)" and "One hint" command gives
- a correct "number" where the player indicates. Both of these, including
- other help commands, are not available in book mode.
- v.1.1.3 (96/01/14)
- -Save user "book" puzzle information in each time when he finished
- a puzzle. This will reduce the sad results at system down.
- -Introduced "Mark / Unmark" to mark the cell(s) which the player
- wants to indicate.
- -Changed several menu command positions.
- v.1.1.2 (95/12/30)
- -Fixed bug (System error occured in eary macs, which does not have
- color QuickDraw. This bug was introduced in v.1.1.1. by changing
- cursors into color ones.)
- -Improved the drawing routines. This is especially so in updating
- the window.
- v.1.1.1 (95/12/21)
- -Introduced "master" level, which prepares much more difficult
- puzzles than in "expert" level. (This level is available only for the
- players who have solved out the book.)
- -Inproved changing cursor routine in making puzzle for the Macs of
- high perfomance.
- -Introduced "Go back to" command, which allows the player to go
- back to the selected position.
- -Introduced "Undo all take one back" command, which undoes a serial
- "take one back" commands and "Go back to" command.
- -Fixed minor bug in putting number into matrix.
- -Player now can save, print .., even when he finished the puzzle (but
- not in book mode).
- -Added custom dialog to the print dialog, which allows the player to
- select "puzzle", "current condition" and/or "answer" in printing.
- -Introduced color cursors.
- v.1.1.0 (95/12/02)
- -Improved the default button drawing routine.
- v.1.0.9 (95/11/18)
- -Set the default language mode according to the system language.
- -The player can see answer in each level (, but can not see it in book
- mode).
- -For the PowerBook user, the program uses the 8 bits color resource
- instead of the 1 bit b/w resource in the 16 color mode.
- -Balloon help was added to each dialog.
- -Improved the default button drawing routine.
- -Cursor changes to 'arrow' shape when Menu Bar is clicked.
- v.1.0.8 (95/11/04)
- -"Give up" command in FILE MENU was replaced by "see answer"
- command in HELP MENU. This new command works only in
- the BEGINNER LEVEL and the player can continue to solve
- puzzle after checking the answer.
- -Introduced "Book mode", in which the player should solve
- 100 very difficult puzzles one after another.
- -Fixed the bug in printing routine.
- -Improved the making puzzle routine to work symmetry well.
- v.1.0.7 (95/09/15)
- -Saved settings to the preference file.
- -Error routiones were strengthened.
- v.1.0.5 (95/09/07)
- -Changed the B/W pict data form (8bit to 1bit).
- -Added "rotation" in symmetry option.
- -Symmetry options were collected as the Dialog Box,
- where the player can see how the each symmetry
- parameter works. (I prepared some preset combinations)
- -Display the answer beside the main 9x9 matrix
- when the player gives up.
- -Improved the drawing routine, and "numbers" will not
- flicker at all.
- v.1.0.2 (95/08/28)
- -Fixed bugs in AE routine.
- -Adjust the flags and discard unused ones.
- v.1.0.0 (95/08/20)
- -Initial vertion.
- <Distribution>
- This manual and all accompanying files may be distributed freely,
- provided that:
- 1. Neither text nor any other file is modified in any way. No file
- may be omitted nor added in the distribution.
- 2. No money may be charged for the program nor for any accompanying
- files, other than the usual downloading time fees charged by
- commercial BBSes and online services.
- 3. I want to know where my game will be distributed. Please notify me
- if it will be included in printed matter, floppy, or CD-ROM before its
- publication. No matter what the circumstance, I would strongly
- appreciate a copy of whatever collection in which it is included.
- 4. If you distribute the puzzles made by this program, you must not
- charge anything for them. In addition, you must attribute their
- origin: please describe them as having been made by this program.
- (e.g.: "This puzzle was made using SingleNumber"). When they are
- published in a commercial magazine or book as "puzzles" or any
- similar genre, they must be described as having been made by this
- program, and the author requires the contribution fee determined
- by the magazine or book company. In these cases, please contact
- the author to get permission before publication.
- <CopyRight>
- This game is FREEWARE, but is NOT PDS (Publically Distributable
- Software). This means that the author does NOT give up the copyright
- under ANY circumstances. The author owns the copyright both to the
- puzzles in the accompanying files, and to those puzzles generated
- using this program. The author prohibits the distribution of the
- answers to the puzzles in the accompanying files.
- The author will not take responsibility for any damage or loss that
- occurs using this program. If you have any bug-reports or improvements
- you would like to see (including my poor English), please send them to me:
- Yoshimitsu Kanai (ykanai@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
- 3-4-7, Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110 Japan
- PS
- The author thanks for those who gave me the kind helps and suggestions
- for this program and the English corrections for this Read me file!